What Makes a Good Overland Vehicle?

One of the questions that anyone considering an overlanding expedition will likely ask is what kind of vehicle they should get. There are a few options out there, and it helps to know what kind of traveler you are. Do you want a vehicle that is easy to drive and maintain? Do you prefer to be able to carry everything you need for your journey in your vehicle, including luggage, camping equipment, and a small tent? Choosing the right vehicle is a balancing act. It needs to be light enough to easily transport, but durable enough to not break down along the way.
The best vehicles are versatile enough to accommodate people of all sizes and skill levels. Choosing the right overland vehicle can be overwhelming if you’re trying to make a decision by yourself. There are so many different types of vehicles on the market, and it’s important to know what you’re looking for before you buy. A good Overlander is able to reach remote areas but is also able to get you comfortably from A to B, even if it’s a long distance.
A good Overlander is able to reach remote areas but is also able to get you comfortably from A to B, even if it’s a long distance.
Next page: Are Tacomas good for overlanding?